


ThreadSanitizer + OCaml

Jan 1, 2022

Races! A word that programmers need to avoid while writing concurrent code. Thankfully, we have ThreadSanitizer — a race detector developed as part of LLVM. Now with OCaml on its way to getting multicore support, I thought it would be a good time to see how we could integrate ThreadSanitizer with the OCaml compiler. This post would should be a fun trip through parallelism in OCaml, the OCaml compiler backend, ThreadSanitizer and catching those pesky races!

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Parallelism in OCaml

For those of you completely new to this world, OCaml is a strongly-typed, multi-paradigm programming language, of which I enjoy the functional aspects the most!

Recently, OCaml has been getting close to shared-memory parallelism support. Put very simply, multicore OCaml will add support to spawn parallel threads called Domains which are mapped to native system threads. The garbage collector has also been modified to allow these threads to execute in parallel (with some parts being performed in a stop-the-world fashion). The multicore OCaml changes and features go well beyond this, but for this blog post, this should suffice.

A big shoutout to everyone working so hard to make multicore OCaml a reality!

Races in OCaml

Well, now that OCaml has parallelism, it also has races. Let’s see how this could manifest in practice -

type t = { mutable x : int }

let _ =
  let v = { x = 10 } in
  let t1 = Domain.spawn(fun () -> v.x <- 0) in
  let t2 = Domain.spawn(fun () -> v.x) in
  List.map Domain.join [t1; t2]

The one above is a very simple example but a good example of a common race. Mutable fields are one place where races can arise. Other places could be arrays, C FFI functions and others. We want to detect and avoid such races, because this could lead to unexpected values in the code!


ThreadSanitizer is a dynamic race detector developed as part of the LLVM library. It consists of a runtime library which tracks accesses and reports races if detected and a compiler pass that instruments C/C++ code with the necessary function calls to signal accesses to the runtime library. It has additional features that allows detecting misuse of locks as well. You can read more about ThreadSanitizer on these links - LLVM Docs , Github Wiki , Paper .

For our discussion, it would suffice to know what is needed to instrument OCaml generated code. ThreadSanitizer requires a call to __tsan_func_entry and __tsan_func_exit on function entry and exit respectively. Then, it has functions called __tsan_readN and __tsan_writeN which should be called after every memory access.

In the context of OCaml, there is an extra consideration we need to keep in mind. Since the OCaml runtime uses a pthread_mutex to synchnorize certain activities such as spawning domains, these would lead to false synchronization events. Thus races would actually be missed. The solution to this is to use a ThreadSanitizer feature called suppressions, which allows us to suppress events. Note that we still need to instrument the runtime library to maintain correct stack frames, allocations, thread creation and racy accesses using caml_modify, but we will suppress the caml_plat_lock function to ignore synchronization events generated by access to the mutex.

Instrumenting the OCaml compiler

This section presumes some knowledge of the OCaml compiler internals, but I will try my best to explain so that everyone can follow along. OCaml code goes through a bunch of intermediate representations before being emitted as machine code. Each representation removes a few high-level abstractions and brings it closer to assembly. For example Clambda is a high-level representation with functional calls, function abstraction and other such elements whereas Mach is a low-level representation which basically reprensents a list of machine instructions.

One of these representations is Cmm where we will implement our instrumentation pass. Cmm terms represent program expressions, so we can easily instrument the terms without having to worry about low level details such as register allocation or instruction selection. At the same time, Cmm has access to information such as code symbols, external function calls, memory allocations etc which is what we require for instrumenting calls to ThreadSanitizer methods.

A variant of the Cmm type is this -

type expression =
  | Clet of Backend_var.With_provenance.t * expression * expression

This represents a term such as let x = 10 in x + 5. For example, the above expression could be represented as (the following is not valid OCaml code, it is just for representation) -

Clet (x, Cconst_int 10, Cop(Caddi, [x,Cconst_int 5]))

The operations we are interested in are called Cload and Cstore -

| Cload of { memory_chunk: memory_chunk ; mutability: Asttypes.mutable_flag ; is_atomic: bool }
| Cstore of memory_chunk * Lambda.initialization_or_assignment

We would like to call the necessary __tsan_read/writeN functions after these operations. Thus our instrumentation pass takes a Cmm expression and recurses through the structure, and adds a call to the correct ThreadSanitizer function after memory accesses. The memory_chunk parameter denotes the size of the access and the argument to the operation is the memory address in question. There are the two pieces of information we need for calling ThreadSanitizer functions.

There are a few things we need to keep in mind which are particular to OCaml. Loads in OCaml are marked to denote if they are to mutable fields or not. Thus, we only need to instrument mutable loads, as there will not be any stores to immutable fields. This should reduce the overhead of instrumentation.

Also, for stores we only need to instrument assignment stores, as initialization stores have a barrier to ensure that they are visible to all threads in a synchronized fashion.

Thanks to KC for pointing this out!


All right! Let’s see if we can finally detect races now. A very simple example -

type t = { mutable x : int }

let v = { x = 0 }

let _ =
  let t1 = Domain.spawn(fun () -> v.x <- 10; Unix.sleep 1000) in
  let t2 = Domain.spawn(fun () -> v.x; Unix.sleep 1000) in
  List.map Domain.join [t1; t2]

Compiling and running this returns -

WARNING: ThreadSanitizer: data race (pid=8727)
  Read of size 8 at 0x7f40001ff7c8 by thread T4:
    #0 camlMain__fun_596 <null> (a.out+0x4e21cd)
    #1 <null> <null> (a.out+0x4e218f)
    #2 caml_callback /home/anmol/work/ocaml/ocaml/runtime/callback.c:251:34 (libasmrun_shared.so+0x2ffee)
    #3 domain_thread_func /home/anmol/work/ocaml/ocaml/runtime/domain.c:841:5 (libasmrun_shared.so+0x3b7b6)

  Previous write of size 8 at 0x7f40001ff7c8 by thread T1:
    #0 camlMain__fun_592 <null> (a.out+0x4e214d)
    #1 <null> <null> (a.out+0x4e210f)
    #2 caml_callback /home/anmol/work/ocaml/ocaml/runtime/callback.c:251:34 (libasmrun_shared.so+0x2ffee)
    #3 domain_thread_func /home/anmol/work/ocaml/ocaml/runtime/domain.c:841:5 (libasmrun_shared.so+0x3b7b6)

  Thread T4 (tid=8732, running) created by main thread at:
    #0 pthread_create <null> (a.out+0x44e37b)
    #1 caml_domain_spawn /home/anmol/work/ocaml/ocaml/runtime/domain.c:885:9 (libasmrun_shared.so+0x3b538)
    #14 main /home/anmol/work/ocaml/ocaml/runtime/main.c:37:3 (libasmrun_shared.so+0x16c75)

  Thread T1 (tid=8729, running) created by main thread at:
    #0 pthread_create <null> (a.out+0x44e37b)
    #1 caml_domain_spawn /home/anmol/work/ocaml/ocaml/runtime/domain.c:885:9 (libasmrun_shared.so+0x3b538)
    #14 main /home/anmol/work/ocaml/ocaml/runtime/main.c:37:3 (libasmrun_shared.so+0x16c75)

SUMMARY: ThreadSanitizer: data race (/home/anmol/work/ocaml/test/a.out+0x4e21cd) in camlMain__fun_596

Let’s check another one -

let _ =
  let v = Array.make 4 0 in
  let t1 = Domain.spawn (fun () -> Array.set v 0 0; Unix.sleep 1000) in
  let t2 = Domain.spawn (fun () -> Array.get v 0; Unix.sleep 1000) in
  List.map Domain.join [t1; t2]

Similarly, this should print a report denoting a race. Phew, we are able to now detect races!

You might be wondering about the Unix.sleep. Since the functions passed to Domain.spawn are short-lived, the thread terminates before the racy access occurs, thus we keep the thread alive with the sleep call. In larger programs, this should not be necessary.

Future work

There is still work left to do on this project. Most importantly, I need to figure out how to handle compactions. When a compaction happens, objects on the major heap are moved around. Thus, a race that occurs on a certain location of an OCaml object will signal ThreadSanitizer with two different addresses before and after the compaction. This would lead to the race not being reported.

Another part that I left out is the instrumentation of atomic variables. ThreadSanitizer has support for instrumenting accesses as atomic using memory annotations from the C/C++ memory model, such as memory_order_relaxed and memory_order_acquire/release. In OCaml, all reads and writes to atomic variables are considered to be memory_order_acquire and memory_order_release respectively. That should be straightforward to implement.

Finally, it would be good to run the instrumented compiler on some large projects such as Lwt. That would be a good test to see how the tool performs in the wild.


Thanks to Dmitry Vyukov on the ThreadSanitizer Google mailing list for suggesting to use suppressions.